Youth Beyond Borders (YBB) was founded in 1994. It is part of Project: Beyond Barriers, a California non-profit corporation. YBB organizes short term service trips for San Francisco Bay Area teens to various countries around the world. The trips feature home stays and a cooperative service project as a forum for interaction with the people and culture visited.
We invite you now to join our explorers in the rainforest of rural Guatemala, the highlands of Jamaica, and with the wild Cheetahs of Namibia. Follow our teens as they meet youth from other places while making school renovations, providing dental services, building a wilderness campground and helping to save the endangered Cheetah.
We are worlds apart, but through a person to person experience we begin to understand our similarities, and that guides us into an experience of connection. To empower our youth in this understanding empowers our future to a stronger understanding that goes Beyond Borders, benefiting all humanity.