Educational Presentation Program
YBB offers free educational presentations for San Francisco Bay Area school classes and youth groups. The presentations feature a 30-50 minute slide show of the YBB exchange trips to Jamaica, Guatemala Ireland and Namibia. Youth and staff who participated in these exchange programs narrate the program, answer questions about their experiences and provide information about participating in YBB's upcoming programs.
In the 1995-96 school year over 1,000 S.F. Bay Area youth attended such presentations, learning about the lives and issues facing different people, especially youth, in other parts of the world. Teachers and students have overwhelmingly praised this program as a very effective way to teach other youth about the world and their part in it.
If you are located in the San Francisco Bay Area and would like to arrange a presentation for your class or youth group send email to: youthbeyond@earthlink.net or call 510-601-7881.
We are also accepting applications for volunteer administrative assistance with our programs. Please contact us for more information.
For information send email to: youthbeyond@earthlink.net